An assignment about Educating for The Creative Economy: Opening Up Student Space to Experiment and Create

Educating for The Creative Economy: Opening Up Student Space to Experiment and Create

This assignment is twofold – It has two assignments  complementing each other.


1) Using 7 relevant literature sources (journal Articles), develop an Annotated Bibliography for the Research Program (Research Topic) below:

Educating for The Creative Economy: Opening Up Student Spaces to Experiment and Create.

Key factors  to understand here;
– What is The Creative Economy? There is a lot of current literature on this concept!
– What Education Theory supports the initiative of opening up student spaces to freely experiment and create while fully deploying their natural talent. on this one I prefer Critical Education Theory – consider scholars like; Dewey, Paulo Freire etc.

– The length each of Annotated Bibliography from any source should be half a page, and all annotated bibliographies should not exceed 4 pages.

– Using a one page well designed visual create or develop a mind map for the Research Program (research topic) above. A mind map can constitute other research projects that relate to the research topic understudy.

2) Watch and review a movie called ACCEPTED – see or follow link provided
The movie provides another option of how post-secondary education can be approached to stimulate the student body’s passion and creativity using a very unorthodox approach. There is need to introduce this approach as shown in the movie to post – secondary education but to do so requires research to validate this idea as a viable option.

Therefore taking this concept of education as showcased in the movie you have watched and reviewed and combining it with the Research Program (topic) mentioned above (EDUCATING FOR THE CREATIVE ECONOMY: OPENING UP STUDENT SPACES TO EXPERIMENT AND CREATE), therefore  required to develop the following:

a) A Research Problem (support the identified problem with relevant citations)

b) A Social Problem

c) A Policy Problem

d) A Policy Argument – using a pragmatic policy research model