Overfishing cause and effect on economy food supply, etc.

 Overfishing cause and effect
The essay is to be on the topic of overfishing cause and effect on economy food supply, etc.
1. Explain the causal effects of certain policies or programs as suggested by Divakaruni, Fishman, Saukko or Erlich in their respective essays on the economy and the environment. You can write an essay that modifies one of their specific claims or takes one of their arguments in a different direction, focusing on an issue of your choice. For example, in response to Saukko’s “How to Poison the Earth,” you could write an essay called “Why ‘Fracking’ Should Be Considered a Corporate Plot to Poison Millions of New Yorkers.” You must use at least ONE of the essays listed above and you must supplement it with at least TWO scholarly sources.
1. Your essay must have a clear, coherent, and logical introduction with a thesis statement.
2. Follow the introduction with various examples, cases, or arguments that support your thesis. If you use any of the sources listed above, you must cite them in your text and include the bibliographical information on The Bedford Reader that I gave you last month.
3. You should find TWO additional sources to support your argument. Use MLA style for citing print sources (i.e., give author’s last name and a page number in the text and then give a full bibliographic reference in a “Works Cited” list after your conclusion.
4. Finally, provide a conclusion that restates your thesis in some way and then goes beyond it by enlarging the significance of your argument.
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Topic: Statistics and econometrics

Topic: Statistics and econometrics
The subject for this work is FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) in different nations.
You will be required to collect data on this. You may use the source:
World Development Indicators 2013
(Washington, DC: World Bank. doi: 10.1596/978-0-8213-9824-1. License: Creative
Commons Attribution CC BY 3.0) available at www.worldbank.org
[Document Page 96 has the relevant table but this is page 115 in the pdf]
Each student will look at EIGHT different countries the names of which will be allocated.
1. Identify the units of measurement of the FDI variable and explain why it is negative for some countries [note: these may not be your given countries].
2. Produce a graph in any style you wish to illustrate the relative FDI flow for your countries. Please indicate which year the data comes from for each country.
3. Explain why these figures might not be a satisfactory way of ranking countries in terms of their success in attracting FDI. Suggest a method to overcome this and explain why it has been chosen.
4. Produce a new set of figures according to your suggestion in answer to Q.3. Present a graph, of the same type you used in answer to Q.2. of your new data.
5. Compare the evidence on FDI attractiveness in your new graph with that of your original graph.
5. Compare the evidence on FDI attractiveness in your new graph with that of your original graph.
6. Present a table of the data on the % growth of urban population, for each of your 8 countries giving sources and definitions.
7. Produce a scatter diagram of the FDI success variable from Q.4 (on the Y-axis) against percentage growth of urban population (on the X-axis) for each of your 8 countries. Comment on any patterns found in this graph.
8. Use any statistical method you like to provide a more detailed examination of the relationships in the graph from Q.7.

Identify a newspaper article to analyze some of the tools. Make sure to use simple economic models to describe the most important aspects of the issue you’re examining.

Identify a newspaper article to analyze some of the tools. Make sure to use simple economic models to describe the most important aspects of the issue you’re examining.
Your analysis should be comprise of two primary sections: 1) provide a summary of the newspaper article, 2) use an economic model (graph) to demonstrate the article’s most significant points.
provide a explanation of how your graphical model to illustrate the article’s most significant points.
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What do you recommend for government regulatory policies for finance and for energy/environment? Do you recommend any supply-side policies? Do you lean more towards a Keynesian or a Classical approach?

A recommendation of MACRO Paper
Owing to your most excellent work in his class, you have been requested to go to Washington DC on April 31, 2014, to advise the President, the Treasury Secretary, the incoming Congress, the Federal Reserve Chairman and Board of Governors and the US Chamber of Commerce on what to do to improve the US economic condition: strengthening the foreign exchange value of the $US Dollar.
The primary objective is to do this while encouraging stronger long-term growth of the US and world economies.
Incredibly, all USA players have agreed, ex ante, to abide by your recommendations, as have the leaders and finance ministers of the G-22, the IMF, the World Bank, all member nations of the UN, WTO protesters, Basque Separatists, Led Zeppelin Reunion (we hope), and the Arab Spring/Fall/Winter rebels.
They ask that in your in the first paragraph you briefly describe what IS the CURRENT (Fall 2014) condition, in your collective view. Then briefly describe the variables you would use too measure the objective. Then outline your proposed policy, and why you think they would accomplish this objective.
Remember they are interested in macroeconomic policy dealing with stabilization and fostering strong, sustainable long-run growth. What major fiscal and monetary policies do you recommend, and why? What do you recommend for government regulatory policies for finance and for energy/environment? Do you recommend any supply-side policies? Do you lean more towards a Keynesian or a Classical approach?
Describe how your proposed policies would be implemented and their consequences.
Recommend policies that are realistic. What are the potential downsides to your recommendations, and who (what groups) would support and who would oppose your recommendations and why. Who (internal, domestic as well as international) would win or lose after your policy are put into effect? How would the stock and bond markets react to your proposals?
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IMF’s influence in the currency markets

 Central bank intervention 
Describe a recent intervention in the currency markets by central banks. What was the purpose? Strengthen or weaken the currency? Were they successful? Was it a combined effort? If available, include the amount of currency traded.

 IMF’s influence in the currency markets
The international monetary fund (IMF) has been involved in the “bailout” of several countries. Please briefly describe what happened before, how much did the IMF lend that country (conditions of the loan, if available) and what’s happened afterwards.

Speculative attacks against currencies
What countries have suffered from speculative attacks recently? Who is George Soros? What role (influence) does he have in the markets?

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Diversity in Economy (influence on employment or economic stability or both of them

Topic: Diversity in Economy (influence on employment or economic stability or both of them)
-This is a master level final dissertation, this topic is Diversity in Economy (influence on employment or stability or both of them). Create a model to find the relationship between economy diversity and employment or stability or both of them. It is very important that build an appropriate model and analysis.
-The structure of your  dissertation should include :Abstract(key words), Introduction, Literature review, Research methodology, Empirical analysis, Limitation,and Conclusion.
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Does the concept of ‘late development’ demonstrate the origins of differing national institutions and business systems, and explain contemporary trends in the performance of leading economies?

Does the concept of ‘late development’ demonstrate the origins of differing national institutions and business systems, and explain contemporary trends in the performance of leading economies?





6. Late Development Thesis
i. Introduction. Suggest answers to the questions and outline how to validate your suggested answers by clarifying the analytical structure
ii. Key Questions. What are the major differences in national business systems and institutions? What are the key issues in Late Development Theory? Outline quickly the main ideas and the mechanisms that lead to differences in national systems over time. What are the links conceptually between key institutional differences and LD Theory? Remember in this question to directly link the features of late industrialization (eg reliance on banks, role of banks, business groups) with specific institutional characteristics (stock markets versus bank financing, industrial policy, market relationships, long and short termism, etc). It’s a difference too between the evolution of different national institutions or business environments that encourage different approaches to strategy, organization and investment opportunities. Also, demonstrate an impact on performance, using statistics and arguments on how institutions favour/do not favour competitiveness. Remember too that the question is comparative, not just on Japan or China: but Germany as well as Japan; the so-called early industrializers like US and UK and the historical influences on them. Then, of course, how relevant are these ideas in globalised economies, or to mature/developed economies such as Japan and German today, rather than yesterday; or how good an explanation now for China?
iii. Key difference 1: the role of the state
iv. Key difference 2: the role of banks versus shareholding
v. Key difference 3: business groups and vertical linkages
vi. All the above concern national institutional differences or the context/environment/external characteristics in which businesses and managers are able to make decisions. How do they affect management, organization, and performance, or the internal characteristics of the firm? How does e.g. the nature of finance affect the planning of R&D, and therefore performance? Or long versus short termism? Impact on employment systems, management skills, education, investment, training, marketing systems, etc, as well as R&D? Does China fit the pattern?
vii. The 1990s watershed. If business systems in the 1960s were effective, why did they fail in the 1990s, or vice versa? Does this mean that other factors are more important than the effects of LD? Or that what is true for the initital stages of economic development are completely irrelevant at a later stage? Why is China still booming as against Japan or Germany?
viii. Conclusion

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choose 2 indicators and tell how Wal-mart can develop their strategy based on these 2 indicators. .For example (to raise Gdp)

Wal-mart economic factors

1)Describe these 4 economic indicators: Gross domestic product, wholesale, unemployment rate, retail sales.

choose 2 indicators and tell how Wal-mart can develop their strategy based on these 2 indicators. .For example (to raise Gdp)

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Critically assess the justification for a role for Government in the economy on account of: 1. Public goods; 2. Externalities; and 3. The Coase Theorem

Critically assess the justification for a role for Government in the economy on account of: 1. Public goods; 2. Externalities; and 3. The Coase Theorem

Term Essay
Drawing on theory, and evidence where relevant, critically assess the justification for
a role for Government in the economy on account of (all of them):
1. Public goods;
2. Externalities; and
3. The Coase Theorem
Answers should be typed, double line spaced, with font size 12.

The books listed below , may be useful in your writing:
Hindriks, Jean and Myles, Gareth D. (2006). Intermediate Public Economics.
Atkinson, Anthony B., and Stiglitz, Joseph E. (1980). Lectures in Public Economics


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Why does choice arise in Economics? Use one example (but not the housing market) to discuss the concepts of “rational choice” and “opportunity cost”.

Economics Presentation 10 minutes

PowerPoint Presentation

You should answer this Two Questions  in detail
a) Why does choice arise in Economics? Use one example (but not the housing market) to discuss the concepts of “rational choice” and “opportunity cost”.
b) What do you understand by the law of demand? Pick a product (but not the housing market) and discuss two factors, which, in your opinion, would cause the demand curve to shift to the left. Can you think of two other factors that would shift the supply curve of your product to the right?
(Please limit your presentation to 10 minutes or less)

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